Train Accidents

Train Accidents

If a train stops short, gets derailed, or is unsafely uneven from the platform, you may be able to hold the City responsible if injured.

Train Accidents in New York and New Jersey: What You Need to Know

Train accidents can be some of the most devastating accidents, often leading to catastrophic injuries and death. If you or a loved one has been involved in a train accident in New York or New Jersey, it is important to understand your legal rights.

Causes of Train Accidents

There are many causes of train accidents, including:

  1. Human error: Train operators can make errors that cause accidents, such as operating a train while under the influence of drugs or alcohol or failing to follow safety protocols.
  2. Mechanical failure: Trains require regular maintenance to operate safely. Mechanical failures such as brake failure or signal malfunctions can lead to accidents.
  3. Derailments: A train can derail when it loses its balance and goes off the tracks. Derailments can be caused by speed, poor track conditions, or improper loading of cargo.
  4. Collisions: Trains can collide with other trains or with other vehicles at crossings. This can occur when safety gates or signals fail, or when drivers ignore them.

Injuries Resulting from Train Accidents

Train accidents can cause devastating injuries such as:

  1. Traumatic brain injuries: A train accident can result in a blow to the head that causes a traumatic brain injury.
  2. Spinal cord injuries: The impact of a train accident can cause severe damage to the spinal cord leading to paralysis, chronic pain, and other long-term health problems.
  3. Broken bones: Train accidents can cause multiple fractures, including broken arms, legs, and ribs.
  4. Burns: Train accidents can cause fires that lead to severe burns, scarring, and disfigurement.
Train Accidents

Legal Options for Train Accident Victims

If you have been injured in a train accident in New York or New Jersey, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. This compensation can cover medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

To receive compensation, you will need to prove that the other party was responsible for the accident. This can be challenging in some cases, but an experienced personal injury lawyer can help. Your lawyer will investigate the accident and gather evidence to support your claim. They will also negotiate with insurance companies and, if necessary, take your case to court.

Train accidents are complex cases that can involve multiple parties, including the train operator, the train company, and the manufacturer of the train or its parts. An experienced personal injury lawyer will be familiar with the laws and regulations governing the train industry and can help you navigate the legal system to ensure that your rights are protected.

Preventing Train Accidents

While train accidents cannot always be prevented, there are steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of accidents, including:

  1. Properly maintaining the train: Train companies should conduct regular inspections and maintenance to ensure that their trains are safe and roadworthy.
  2. Ensuring that train operators are qualified and well-trained: Train companies should only hire qualified and well-trained train operators who have a proven track record of safe driving.
  3. Obeying safety protocols: Train operators and their employers should obey all safety protocols and regulations to prevent accidents.
  4. Implementing advanced safety technologies: The use of advanced safety technologies such as Positive Train Control (PTC) can help prevent collisions and derailments.